Online Solidity Decompiler

« Decompile another contract


0xee17cdbcfdace09434e5b1dbeec39d0bb2ad6e0a [ |]

Public Methods

No public methods detected.

Internal Methods

No internal methods detected.


This might be constructor bytecode - to get at the deployed contract, go back and remove the constructor prefix, usually up to the next 6060 or 6080.
contract Contract { function main() { memory[0x40:0x60] = 0x80; revert(memory[0x00:0x00]); } }


label_0000: // Inputs[1] { @0008 memory[0x00:0x00] } 0000 60 PUSH1 0x80 0002 60 PUSH1 0x40 0004 52 MSTORE 0005 60 PUSH1 0x00 0007 80 DUP1 0008 FD *REVERT // Stack delta = +0 // Outputs[2] // { // @0004 memory[0x40:0x60] = 0x80 // @0008 revert(memory[0x00:0x00]); // } // Block terminates 0009 FE *ASSERT 000A A1 LOG1 000B 65 PUSH6 0x627a7a723058 0012 20 SHA3 0013 C0 C0 0014 FC FC 0015 14 EQ 0016 A8 A8 0017 CE CE 0018 46 CHAINID 0019 15 ISZERO 001A D7 D7 001B 69 PUSH10 0xe30a9373241ce27d5e79 0026 FE *ASSERT 0027 3B EXTCODESIZE 0028 79 PUSH26 0xe4dad1c5308dabcd259d0029
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